Our friend, Michelle Ward, is on her way to Minnesota to gather with family on the first anniversary of the loss of her beautiful sister, Shannon.
But before she left, the magnificent book we created arrived in her hands.
Any words I could use to describe her reaction would pale in comparison to the reveal Michelle left on her blog. Go
HERE to see it.
But I do want to thank all of you for your generosity, your talent, your love and your endless patience as we waited to exactly the right moment to send Michelle the Book of Love.
Not a single person let the secret slip.
Special thanks to my fellow secret agents, Julie Prichard and Lisa Hoffman, who made our months of planning and plotting such a joy.
That gorgeous beast of a book is Julie's artistic genius. She sewed miles of thread and created the Michelle-perfect cover. Visit
The Land of Lost Luggage to see more.
Our inside woman and voice of reason was Lisa. She kept us laughing and contributed the perspective we needed so badly. You can visit her
And corresponding with all of you, receiving your artistic treasures and your heartwarming comments, meant the world to all three of us.
Thank you.