The invitation arrived in the afternoon post
Miss Vanessa, it said, will be the host
Gather your friends and your smartest chapeau
with treats in hand through the Looking Glass, go.
So I spoke to my pals and the elephant next door,
she was having company at a quarter to four
But they were willing join us and get out of the house
so I rang up my friend, the hazel dormouse
Now Mousey has been to a Mad Hatter's ball
Hatter and Hare had been the ones to call
By the end he found himself dunked in the tea
Good soggy fun he squeaked at me
He offered to drive, then quickly declined
legs too short for the brakes often get fined
but said he'd pay part of the gas at the station;
even thought the car runs on imagination
So we agreed I'd pull up to his home and just beep
with four elephants, and one cow, chicken, pig and a sheep
We'd dress in our favorite festive party clothes
all hoping the pig would avoid fishnet hose
My dear Beatrice, the elephant who dwells next door,
was hosting the Shapiros, so in total that made four.
Sister Bettina and husband Isadore, too,
and their charming young son, Little Babu.

The sheep named Baab and the chicken named Claire
decided there was no expense that they'd spare
Delilah the cow was a bit more restrained
but Steve the pig couldn't be contained

So we climbed in my car and set out for the pass
to make the second right into the Looking Glass
We sang a Boynton ditty and songs to make the time fly
Moo, baa, la, la, la and Miss American Pie
Before we knew it, we were at the soiree
cars run on imagination always seem to know the way
We were so excited to see the great throng
and Babu jumped high at the clang of a gong
There were hatters and batters and cows leaping the moon
and costumes to make the curators at the Metropolitan swoon
Confections and libations and goodies galore
and a man so rotund he couldn't fit through the door
Bettina and Isadore joined the Electric Slide
and when Dormouse spotted Hatter, he looked for somewhere to hide
Babu went splashing with kiddies in the pool
and Steve on stilletos just tried to look cool.
Beatrice enthralled with a tale of the Savannah
and danced with an otter wearing a bandanna
Claire led us all in the chicken dance
and Delilah flirted with a handsome young Brahma from France
As for me, I chatted and ate and shared homemade iced tea
indulging in laughter and dances 'til a quarter to three
Then called for the troops and found Dormouse asleep
at last for home it was time for us to creep
But the night is so magical we don't want it to end
we want to visit longer with all of our friends!
So the Shapiros decided to walk the way home
When you're an elephant you're not afraid to roam
So we waved our good-byes and climbed into the car
and found our way home by following a star
We had a great time and hope you did, too,
and if anyone finds it, Steve lost a shoe.

A mighty fine time it was!! :-)
Happy Tea Party Day!
You are aa amazing storyteller. I so enjoyed the tea party adventure. Thank you, thank you. Both your art and words are enchanting.
I do hope you and all of your characters can stop by, I have party hats and baubles and moondancing waiting for you.
What a lovely story!!! :) I so enjoyed my time at this wonderful blog, and this fun party!!! xoxox!
This is wonderful, I love the story and your artwork is just perfect. This party of Vanessa is introducing us to so many wonderful bloggers. Yours looks wonderful. Karen
I'm laughing so hard my tea is squirting thru my nose! thank you, thank you and thank you again for such wonder and whimsy ... what a treat!
lovely to meet you and hope to see you again soon.
Cheers! ~M~
ps - Queenie E, Mew Mew and Elizabeth are hoping that Baab hasn't hit his dance card limit!
Oh what fabulous art!! And I especially love your hat with the carrots on it!!! Hasn't Vanessa's party been the best?!?
ohh I love your animal friends!! what a fun party..
Happy Mad TEA Party!!
Nice to meet You!
I’m tryin’ to gain 20lbs @ this party!!
Cheers, Sue `*>~[
oh my goodness!
at all these wondrous animals
and such a fabulous story!
yes the pig would need
to avoid your fishnet hose!
how lovely you brought a sheep!
bring her right over
to dance with mine
as luck would have it,
i have 3,
so now things
are all evened out!
i love how life
works out that way,
don't you
oh happy day!
Oh My, My, My... what a wonderful party. I have had so much fun today. I hope to see you again soon. Happy Tea Party Evening!!!
I love the elephants...come over for some animal crackers and tea!
Wow--- now those are some fancy critters! Such prettiness here, so nice to meet you :D
OH!!! Just fantastic!! bravo bravo!!!!!! love each image to bits!!!!! Happy TEA PARTY!!!!!
Oh, that was awesome! I loved it! You just made me smile from ear to ear- tell Steve I saw his shoe filled with beer!
Thanks for inviting me over! I have been trying to go down Vanessa's Blog list and I wouldn't have made it here till next Tuesday at the rate I'm going!
xxxooo Calamity kim
This as a delightful tale. Thank you for sharing your magical imagination with us all.
How delightful!
so nice to have met you & all your friends at the party- lots of fun wasnt it!!??
more tea?
How nice to meet you and all your animal friends at Vanessa's party :-)
Through the keyhole I went to a party
And made a new friend who was arty
While we danced to a ditty
This gal, who was witty
Made me laugh oh so long, loud, and hearty
Your hilarious tale inspired me! You are such fun. PLEASE come back to Muses and visit me often!
Dear JeriAnn,
This is a great creative post! Your collages especially of the elephants touch me.
A toast to you and Vanessa too!
Your elephant friends are so wonderful and delightful to chat with-- charmed you brought them!
And such a charming hat-- I may have to trade you throughout the night!
You definitely have the best hat I've seen at the party!
Thanks for stopping by,you are such a great story teller love your blog Going to add it to my blog so I can come back.Beatrice is a large green Witch I made I also have a fairy I made name the story teller. And I just finish up the doorprizeA tea set in itown home made box. I'm going to try again to put my pictures up . Nice to meet you.And tell Steve I seen his red shoeBeatrices hide it.Bad ,bad Beatrices.
love Debb
Well I say....elephants sporting hats of marigolds is a vision right down my alley!!!!
wonderful party!
This is such a wonderful and fun tea party you are having.
I am glad I stopped by!
So pretty! I missed you at the party! Lovely pictures:)
Smiles and hat tip to you!!
Fun, great story! Rachael
A wonderful party with an amazing cast of characters in attendence! You should write a children's book and illustrate it with all of your creative talents!
A wonderful story with great illustrations. You should write a children's book and fill it with your creativity--written and artistic.
fantastic poem, I am going to be thinking in verse the rest of the night, I just know it! And I love your elephants...they just make me happy. I think all parties from now on should have an elephant.
Thank you for visiting me!
Happy Tea Day! Sorry I'm late, still making rounds. Please drop by and visit.
Irma :)
How wonderful!! I am going to drifting in your dreamland for a while. Thank you for such a fun tale!!
Yes! A grand time indeed. I think I'm tired. LOL. Time to pull off the dancing shoes and rest.
The elephants!!
What a wonderful party : )
Thanks for visiting me and for your kind comments.
Loved your party!
~ Gabriela ~
Well the party is over and wasn't it fun? But, I do have a little treat for all those I met waiting at my place.
Sam and I loved the floral hats on the animals. We would love to have them all over for tea!
I'm still trying to catch up with all the new friends I made at Vanessa's party, you have a lovely blog here.
Wow! I'm so so late in stopping by. Your guests were just enchanting!
Lovely party!
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