Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Let's go to a party!

It's party time! Have you ever been to a Bloglandia bash? Well Miss Vanessa is inviting all of us to put on our finery and join her for:

You can see all the amazing pre-party preparations and learn more by visiting Vanessa HERE. She's inviting all of us to disguise/reveal ourselves in costume and partake in the revelry. 

You may be wondering how a party in Blogland works. It's pretty simple. Go to Vanessa's blog and RSVP. She will put you on the party list. Then on June 28, post your party finery, treats and anything else you'd like to contribute on your blog. Then visit Vanessa and her list of partygoers for all kinds of wonderfulness. No designated driver necessary, although the dormouse did offer.

See you at the party!


Kim Mailhot said...

Hi JeriAnn,
Thanks for the invite to the tea party ! It sounds like such blogging fun ! I am leaving for a trip today and won't be able to make it though. Have a cuppa for me, won't you ? And I will check out all the fun you had when I return ! Happy Partying !

Kathryn Costa said...

I will see you at the party!
My mystery guest just arrived today. He is resting but will be in all party glory on Saturday.

Rebecca Ramsey said...

I will look for you there!
By the way, thanks for the stroll through your wonderland! I love your chicken and egg post!

eb said...

come on over and let's dance...

oooooooooooooo la la la la

poppers too...

xox - eb.