One hundred posts. Wow!
I can't believe I'm up to 100. I started this blog while visiting my parents in Puerto Rico in 2007. I wanted someplace to share musings gathered during my 2-hour, twice daily commute between New York City and Connecticut, something to show for all that time besides naps and office work. I also needed a place to answer frequent frightened questions from friends, family and friends of friends who were about to brave the Big Apple.
Science fiction author Spider Robinson once observed that God is an iron, since He/She freely indulges in irony. Shortly after starting Commuter's Journal, I was laid off from my job in Manhattan and discovered I needed surgery. The combination ended seven years of long days on Metro North. But it also gave me the opportunity to embark on a new journey, a more profound one I think, and become part of the community of online artists.
Here's to the next 100 posts. L'chaim!

These illustrations were created 18 years ago for a children's book written by my friend Nan Lundeen. Unfortunately, the story of a little black dog and her bear friend never sold, but it was fun to see these again after so long.
Congratulations on 100 posts !!!!Congratlations too on all you do to be a vital and integral part of the on-line art community for so many of us. Your comments are always thoughtful, friendly, and often funny or super helpful which makes the receiver feel like you have really taken the time to read to post and to understanding where the writer is from ! Your own posts show showcase your art and your point of view wonderfully. They also show how connected you are to what is going on in the Blogland community, literally coast to coast here in the US right ? So congrats, once more, lovely JeriAnn! Keep up the great Blog Work !
Lots of love !
ox ox
Hey hey!! Happy 100!
I love the story of your journey and agree we ARE on a commute of a different kind and MUCH higher plane!!!
happy happy!
what a great story! - yes - and congrats to you as well - I have well over 500 posts under my compulsive belt here - always so happy to visit my fellow cyber commuter - love these illustrations - very best wishes and looking forward to your next 100...
xox - eb.
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