Happy New Year, my friends!
It's pretty exciting to think that we're in a new decade and can make a fresh start. The two cuties above are my son, Benji, and his cousin, Sarah. This was taken at Benji's second birthday party; Sarah was about 20 months at the time. This was how I spent the 90s. This past decade was dedicated to raising my son, building community and work. It had its highs and lows, but all in all, it was good. I know I was blessed and I want to give back.
One of the ways I'm going to do that is to contribute to a diaper drive started by Julie at Tangobaby. Her story is pretty extraordinary. She's a single working girl living in San Francisco who stopped for a homeless woman and it changed her life. The woman had three children, including an infant, and Julie felt compelled to do something. She checked things out to make sure the woman was legit and found a dire need that is going unexpressed. Disposable diapers are too expensive for the poorest women, those who have escaped abuse and must spend whatever money they have just to survive.
A young mother read about this on Julie's blog and wanted to help. As she looked into it, she discovered that even social safety-net programs such as WIC and foodstamps do not cover diapers. So she and a friend founded Help a Mother Out (HAMO) to begin a diaper drive to get disposable diapers to shelters and agencies that help this population. It's an opportunity to do your first mitzvah (good deed) of the year. What a great way to start 2010!
And to thank you for reading this far, here's a more recent photo of Benji and Sarah from the decade just past. By the end of this decade they'll be out on their own, conquering the world.
What a wonderful cause to start the new year with...it's always so much better to focus on the needs of others, this mitzvah...
It is of course important to take care of ourselves too, I think that by being happy and fulfilled it allows us to be able to look beyond and do some real good in the world.
happy happy new year to you!
Benji and Sarah are growing into beautiful people in their own right.
This would be a great cause to expand nationwide.
Oh, JeriAnn, I just so love your heart. I was coming here to wish you a happy new year and yet, my heart is just filled with love and appreciate for the beautiful person that you are. Do you know that your comments on my blog go straight into my own heart and make it smile or just feel very understood ? That is a beautiful gift that you give me each time we connect, and I am so very grateful for that.
Your plans for the first mitzvah are beautiful. Finding places where we can serve one another and our world that truly mean something to us is so soul satisfying, isn't it ? Open hearted mothers helping one another...perfect...
May we all find and take many sweet opportunities for good deeds in this New Year and decade. Peace and blessings on you and your family, beautiful, beautiful JeriAnn.
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