And lower still.
And clementines to wash down chocolate gelt won in rousing games of dreidel. Look! You've won! The dreidel landed on gimel.
Long after the visions of glimmering lights and sounds of resplendent carols have faded, the Scents of the Season will be with me. Sputtering wicks and the savory aroma of frying onions and potatoes will whisk me back to this light and love-filled season.
Thank you, Michelle, for the opportunity to share. I haven't had a chance to journal all of this, but the memory is here waiting. Now please go to the latest GPP Street Team Crusade. More Scents of the Season await.
Your celebration looks so sweet...I believe I could eat latkes every single day!!
Happy New Year and here's to a wonderful 2009!
Ah, savory and sweet. So many delicious scents and flavors. Thanks for sharing some peeks into your traditions JeriAnn.
Happy New Year!
I Love holiday scents....how awesome that this was the crusade at this time of year. Happy new year, JeriAnn! Best wishes for an ultra creative 2009!
A beautiful post, JeriAnn ! A feast for all the senses really !
Happy New Year ! And may 2009 be filled with creative time, family time and peaceful, soul-filling time...
Oooh, aren't hose candles burning down just the most beautiful thing. I really enjoyed reading your post - thank you for sharing some of your festive season with us.
Loved reading your post and all of the great photos. The first one though really had me as I had to scroll back up to it a few times. Hmm maybe I'm hungry lol
That orange cakes looks so yummy. Thanks for sharing your holiday scents. Happy New Year!
dang, those latkes & that cake look sooooo yummy! I bet they smell divine too! great scent memories!
Thanks for sharing the images and scents of Hannukah. I love seeing the traditions and light. :)
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